LASTER my first dog


This is DYCK, my auntie picked him on the road with a broken leg and take him home. My first dog just passed away and I was not really sure to have another dog yet ..... but I accepted Dyck. There is a lot to say about his history .... the day that Dyck passed, for the very first time I started looking at the books to find something similar to him and the most similar was ..... a BEARDED !

If the "family" started with ULK and BABY, the breed started with DYCK. 


  March-25-1983, a week after I got my very first Bearded Collie, 20 years after that I could not live without them.




My first couple, with them born my kennelname GIANVIE. It has a deep meaning to me because it comes from my hisbandīs name Giancarlo (GIAN) and my own name VISITACION ECHEVERRIA (VIE) , I registered the name with my first litter, two years after Giancarlo passed. He agreed on me having ULK and one year later he gave me Baby for my birthday.


My  first  litter